Rejection and Pride
March 24, 2016
TONY writes:
I have just mailed you a small donation. While I enjoy reading all of your posts, I just want to relate how one recent post was so important to me.
It was the message from the woman whose husband is a non-believer. She related how he belittled her and treated her quite badly for her beliefs. You wrote in reply,”Rejoice in your rejection.” That truly struck a chord with me. I have struggled for over 25 years with a regret related to a girl I loved. She chose another at that time. Years later, when she was no longer with him, there was a possibility for us to move forward together. I had earlier expressed my feelings for her. However, even though I still had love for her, I lied and denied those feelings. I struggled with the greatest vice, pride. I couldn’t get over what she had done before and how diminished as a person her actions had made me feel. And so I, through my own sin, lost what was most important to me. I have suffered since and pray daily for a time and place after this life to tell her how I’ve always felt.
The blessing in all this is that the loss has led me back to the Church and the traditional Latin mass. In fact, the mass is the only place I feel comfortable in this world. It’s amazing considering that I was an altar boy who was bored by mass (the Novus Ordo, of course). I know I too should try to rejoice in my rejection and suffering for I see now that it’s at the foot of the cross that we meet Christ.
Thank you for your work.