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Anomalies in Shooting Reports « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Anomalies in Shooting Reports

August 7, 2019


SEE reports by Fellowship of the Minds and Vivien Lee on the missing pieces in recent reports of mass shootings.

In the video below, you can see the completely bloodless victims of the shootings at an El Paso Walmart ludicrously — against all emergency protocols observed by emergency teams around the country — taken out of the store on shopping carts. (Did they deliberately choose heavy victims to poke fun at America? I wonder.)

Carnage is typically messy. The human body carries more than a gallon of blood and it tends to flow profusely. Here we see none of the normal mess. It looks like an emergency drill, not a real event.

Furthermore, the idea that one person could kill 22 people in minutes when even the most expert marksman cannot achieve such kill rates, especially in this age of advanced medicine when even people who are shot in the head can be revived and survive for years, is absurd.

The real victims of these shootings are the children and extremely gullible adults who have been traumatized by these reports which are broadcast everywhere so that you cannot escape them or find barely a corner of the world to achieve a moment’s rest from manufactured hysteria and political grandstanding.


— Comments —

Lydia Sherman writes:

Politicians are changing their schedules and going to those two cities where the shooting events took place. The subject is high on the current news media as well as the citizen journalists.  It is on everyone’s minds.  There is a lot going on in the world that is worthy of news, but this event makes the U.S. appear to be a bad scary place, not just because of the right to bear arms, but the crazy lunatics using them.  These people are promoted, actually, to give us a bad reputation in the eyes of the world. However they are all hired to create news drama.  This is about several things: guns, crazy people, politics and news.

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