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The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Jewish Role in the Porn Industry

October 10, 2019


Publisher of Screw magazine, Al Goldstein: “The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don’t believe in authoritarianism.”

FROM a video by Mark Collet:

“A frank discussion on the disproportionate role played by Jews in the porn industry. Whilst not all Jews are involved in encouraging and supporting pornography [in] the West, leading Jewish authors on the subject admit that Jews have played a disproportionate role in the industry and their motivation is not simply financial. Whilst in the West we are seeing an increasing amount of sexualised material pushed upon society, in Israel family values take centre stage and by law internet pornography is blocked by internet service providers.”

The video provides interesting quotes from Jewish authors.

— Comments —

Terry Morris writes:

Jews “don’t believe in authoritarianism.” Hahahaha! I guess the statement is “true” as far as it goes, but what Jews do believe in is authoritatively imposing their “anti-authoritarian” dispositions on the whole of the societies of which they are a part and have managed to gain political ascendancy. It’s not that Jews “don’t believe in authoritarianism”; it is that they disbelieve in the kind of authoritarianism you and I would impose were we invested with power. Everyone is authoritarian, Jew and Gentile alike.

If you or I or any other non-Jew disagrees with what they use their power and influence to do in the way of destroying the culture and mores of the host society (the porn industry being of course one of many examples either of us could cite), then you and I are authoritatively deemed to be therefore “anti-semites” by Jews, who authoritatively declare that our “anti-semitism” must be dealt with … authoritatively. This is why Zippy (R.I.P.) constantly reminded us for years that liberalism (which ideology Jews overwhelmingly embrace) is an incoherent ideology that can only survive its own self-destructive illogic by means of constantly introducing unprincipled exceptions to curb its excesses.

For all their vaunted “intelligence,” I sometimes think Jews must be the dumbest people on God’s good earth! How in the world it is they cannot see that their nefarious practices, once in power and positions of influence, are eventually going to wear on a people’s tolerance for such behavior is beyond me.

Laura writes:

Organized Jewry is very authoritarian, as we see from its support for putting people in prison for thought crimes.

This does not justify any revenge toward individual Jews or name-calling or uncivil behavior toward them. Most aren’t guilty of nefarious practices. Sadly, many Jews defend or support those who are, such as the leaders of the Anti-Defamation League, which spies on Americans and seeks to harm and defame those who criticize the power and influence of organized Jewry.


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