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Idaho Mother Arrested at Playground « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Idaho Mother Arrested at Playground

April 22, 2020


SARA Brady, a 40-year-old mother of four from Idaho, was arrested yesterday on a trespassing charge for attempting to allow her children to play in a playground closed in the Corona Lockdown. Brady and other parents had taken down caution tape around the playground in Meridien, Idaho. The police arrived and after Brady refused to leave, she was arrested in front of her children. She was later released from jail and about 100 residents gathered to protest outside city hall.

(If you have trouble accessing this video, find it on Youtube.)

The closure of playgrounds, parks, nature preserves, arboretums, beaches and public gardens across America, and indeed the entire world, has nothing to do with the virus. Parks and gardens pose no health threat at all. The reverse is true: they are necessary to human health. Nor is the closure of parks simply an exercise in mindless authoritarian government.

No, these closures were planned many years ago.

As Deborah Tavares persuasively documents, the world controllers want to create a depopulated, de-industrialized utopia in which most humans are no more sacred than animals and plants. Millions of acres in parkland will ultimately be closed to human access and allowed to grow wild, offsetting the exaggerated greenhouse gases these control freak contend are catastrophic. This is the first step in acclimating the public to this huge transformation.

Brady’s indignation means nothing to this powerful cabal of fanatical idealists from high finance, government agencies, foundations, secret societies and multinational corporations. They will have their utopia if they have to crush most of humanity in the process. One mother’s outcry means absolutely nothing to them and the police are merely following orders they cannot even begin to comprehend.

It’s nice to see so many young children in Idaho. I hope many more of their mothers have the courage to risk arrest.

— Comments —

Rudiger writes:

Interesting news take on this. The reporter is on the cops’ side. My question is why would the police endorse this? Reminds me of the book burner in F. 459. He was brainwashed.

Laura writes:

The police don’t make the laws. They just enforce them.


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