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Worshipping Jupiter « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Worshipping Jupiter

March 6, 2024

ITALIANS are said to be returning in large numbers to the ancient gods of Rome.

Neophytes are encouraged to firstly, “set up a space dedicated to the deities in your home so that you can begin to offer to your gods”, and secondly, to “ritualise following the main holidays that are remembered by the Kalendarium”.

“The Roman religion is fundamentally a collectivist and convivial religion, it does not leave much room for individualism and personalism which often led – and still leads – to condemnable superstitious practices,” adherents are told.

On 10 February 2024, an eclectic group of enthusiasts from the Communitas Populi Romani assembled near the ancient Roman Forum to express their devotion to the deities Juno, Jupiter and Apollo.

A relevant quote from Henry Edward Manning, D.D. in 1861:

In truth, when the intellectual become pantheists, the simple will become polytheists. They need a more material conception than the refined unbelievers, and they impersonate and embody, first in thought and then in form, the object of their worship. And what is this but paganism simple and pure?


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