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The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Grandma Police Chief

May 16, 2024

KATHY G. writes in response to this entry on the New Orleans police chief, Anne Kirkpatrick, who looks like she is wearing a ridiculous costume with an oversized cap:

I see these installed agents, like this grandma chief, and what jumps out is the reality of a woman (a silly, old woman!), attempting to fill a masculine role, and instead of thinking “See? Anything he can do, she can do”, I see a pathetic, anemic imitation of maleness.

It screams weakness, emotional thinking, and denial of the natural order and physical attributes. It is inversion, camouflaged as “equality”. It denies the unique attributes of both sexes, and attempts to impose the idea of amorphous and fungible human beings. To do this, all logic, intelligence, and biological realities must be eradicated from the thought process, made irrelevant in the minds of people. In short, it’s a psyop.

So true.

If you had asked people 50 years ago about a woman, especially a senior woman, working as the police chief of a major city, most would have laughed. The idea would have struck them as absurd.

Women in roles of masculine authority are a form of transgenderism. It’s just as bad as men playing on a women’s soccer team. It has a strong psychological effect on girls and young women, leading them to believe it is possible to be a man and a woman at the same time.

I bet every single officer, at least the men, under a female police chief knows, but won’t ever say it, that the whole thing is a political stunt  and a game of make-believe. Women are totally unnecessary in these jobs. There are plenty of men who want them and would thrive in them. Women bring nothing of value to these roles that men could not provide and they can’t bring essential qualities that are necessary.

This psyop is intent on the destruction of the family and social order. Without that social order, there is more crime, not less. Therefore, as I said before, the ideology that leads to female police chiefs creates the need for more police. For government, that’s a good thing, but it’s horrible for society. A confused, disoriented populace is great for big government.

Ideologues with their utopian mind games don’t make life for ordinary people better. With their collective disconnect from reality and their belief that every social problem can be cured by more government, they make things so much worse.

Oh, and by the way, there isn’t a single little girl on the planet, at least not a normal girl, who wants to be a police chief when she grows up. There are no little girls who want to dress up in absurd, over-sized police caps. (Although, to be fair, some little girls enjoy bossing people around.)

It takes a village to turn little girls and little boys into Commie ideologues. But sadly it is possible, as we see in our times, to eradicate human nature.

We can’t change these things. We can’t reverse them. We can only hate with a burning passion the misbegotten ideas behind them.



The Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost

May 16, 2024

WHAT are the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost?

1.The Gift of Fear
2.The Gift of Godliness
3.The Gift of Knowledge
4.The Gift of Fortitude
5.The Gift of Counsel
6.The Gift of Understanding
7.The Gift of Wisdom

Read more here.



Clouds Exist

May 14, 2024

 Cumulus Congestus (Wikipedia)

ClOUDS are cheap. We don’t pay a dime for them. We take them for granted or, even worse, misunderstand them.

They entertain and enshadow, magnifying to immense proportions the proposition that life is ever-varying shades of grey. Boredom is just a state of mind — not reality — when clouds are in the sky.

The plumes, puffs, phantasms and pillows parade across the local heavens. Few days are completely bereft of clouds in May and June, at least where I live. Brides keep planning their weddings as if thousands of June weddings hadn’t been obscured and dampened by banks of Cumulonimbus. This is cloud-denial, a common psychological condition. Cloud deniers always act surprised when spring is cloudy. They have a fixed, illusory image of a cloud-free spring — a delusion resistant to all past experience. Spring propagandists, including many poets, have spread this myth.

May skies are sometimes so overcast we turn on the lights during the middle of the day. Cumulus clouds are to June what snow is to January. They accumulate in the lower atmosphere and sometimes extend in massive, vaporous monuments upward into the stratosphere. Cumulus mediocris look like shredded cotton balls. Cumulus humilis are more reminiscent of clotted cream. Cumulus congestus create muscular heros, suggestive of so many shapes it is not surprising Zeus was believed to create the image of his wife, Hera, out of a cloud. (The cloud was violated and Centaurus was conceived.)

Each Cumulus cloud is “the visible summit of a towering transparent column of air – like a bright white toupee on a huge invisible man.” So says Gavin Pretor-Pinney in his wonderful book, The Cloudspotters Guide: The Sciene, History and Culture of Clouds. Clouds satisfy both the scientist and the artist. The scientist looks at the shapes in the sky and has the urge to measure droplets. He is a cloud-demystifier. The artist sees castles and ascending saints. He is a cloud-mystifier. Clouds make him depressed when he is depressed and jubilant when he is happy. They intensify his inner condition.

I once lived in a place that was not cloudy for a single day for two months. It was a living hell. There was nowhere to hang your thoughts.

Thank you for clouds, God. Unappreciated and vilified, they are loftier than we.


(From a post of 15 years ago — before aerosol sprays altered our skies.)



The George Floyd Hoax

May 14, 2024



Mother and Father Both

May 14, 2024

THE child needs father and mother; but it does not need them only as some think, alternately, now the father’s influence and then the mother’s or in some things the father’s influence and in other things the mother’s. The child needs the father’s masculine influence and the mother’s feminine influence always together, the two streams uniting to pour their fructifying influence through the child’s life into the life of humanity.”

   —- Felix Adler, Marriage and Divorce, 1915



May Procession in England, 1937

May 12, 2024



May 12, 2024



Mother’s Day: Remembrance and Regrets

May 11, 2024

ALAN writes:

A million tomorrows shall all pass away, Ere I forget all the joy that is mine today.

More than twenty thousand tomorrows have now faded away since I first heard the lovely song with those words in 1964. But I have not forgotten all the joy that was mine in years long ago — because my mother made it possible.

Which is not to say that those years were filled only with joy. Far from it.

When I was a boy, my mother gave me everything a boy could hope for, and those were years of countless joys.  But there was one thing she didn’t give me, because she couldn’t. That was paternal authority. She tried her best to provide something equivalent, but it was ersatz authority and largely ineffectual.  She gave me chores to do around the house, but they were pseudo-responsibilities, not real responsibilities like those that she and her brother learned by necessity in their childhood home in the 1920s-’30s.  Checks and balances were generally in place in my boyhood home, but were not always enforced as firmly and consistently as they might have been.

The problem with my childhood was not that it was too hard but that it was too easy. Read More »


The Guilty Outdoors

May 11, 2024

KATHY G. writes in this entry about outdoors activities being “racist”:

This whole narrative makes no sense. Non-white people must be made to feel “welcomed” to the outdoors? Who welcomed whites? There was no one handing out boots and backpacks. The people pushing this nonsense have made no secret of their hatred of white people. So why are they trying to make non-whites act and value what white people do? Taking a boombox into a rural/park area to blare a particular music is an aggressive behavior, designed to intrude on the solitude and peace of nature, and is simple attention-seeking. I suspect that is really the agenda, to deprive white people of another tradition/activity that they enjoy, insinuating that there is something hateful about it. The hatred is projected, is actually against whites, and the extent of it is incomprehensible to logical, right-thinking, moral people.



Billions Stolen, Enjoy the Ride

May 10, 2024

JUST a quick, visual reminder here that the inflation you are seeing today is no accident nor was it caused by some economic force of nature.

I’m no economist, but I know enough to say Operation Covid is ongoing.

Image source



Fifteen Years of Thought Crimes

May 10, 2024

Irish fighter Jack Dempsey

ALAN writes:

When everyone around you is claiming that two and two equal five, it requires both an independent mind and a good deal of moral courage to disagree and speak the truth.

It takes even more moral courage to stand confident in opposition to “public opinion”, “Liberals”, Feminists, Communists, Fabian change agents, anarchists, Do-Gooders, “innovators”, “new ideas”, “new approaches”, ad hominem attacks by trolls, character assassination by those who resent achievement and hate the good for being the good, racketeers who call themselves “The Law” and “The Government”, and last but not least, the “mass media”, who are — as Dr. Bruce Charlton wrote ever so correctly — our “enemy headquarters”.

To oppose all such adversaries and persist in thinking for oneself is seemingly a simple act but actually a heroic act, according to George Orwell, when assumed in an age of monumental decadence and lies officially called truth.

The Thinking Housewife is one such courageous voice.  For 15 years now, Mrs. Laura Wood has presented independent thought, dissenting ideas, and views on current events that are sharply at odds with the Official Truth proclaimed by the Occupation Government and it’s innumerable fronts. Read More »


Bach’s Ascension Oratorio

May 9, 2024



Ascension Reflections

May 9, 2024

The Ascension, School of Nottingham

From a sermon, “The Ascension of Our Lord,” by the Rev. William Graham:

In the beautiful panorama of hill country that unrolls to the eye of a pilgrim looking eastward from Jerusalem there is no point of view so picturesque or at the same time so rich in sacred memories, as Mount Olivet. Rough and narrow is the stony path winding to its summit, but its many associations more than repay the cost of ascent. On its lower slopes lies the Garden of Olives, lovingly tended by the Franciscan Fathers, who point out the spots in and around where Christ’s agony and prayer began and ended. The brook Cedron that He crossed with His disciples on the sad night of His betrayal He must also have passed in His risen body on His way to the hill, whence while they looked on He was raised up. Alas! a Mohammedan mosque now crowns the spot, and the followers of the prophet point out by favor a stone bearing the imprint of a foot, which, piety suggests, was left by the ascending Christ. Even they, however, reverence the spot consecrated by the last steps on earth of the great prophet Issa. Read More »


Feast of the Ascension

May 9, 2024

FROM a meditation on the Ascension of Jesus Christ from an Old English poem, Christ I, posted by Eleanor Parker at the wonderful blog on medieval England, Clerk of Oxford:

Then suddenly a loud clamour
was heard on high: a throng of heaven’s angels,
a brightly shining band, heralds of glory,
came in a company. Our king passed
through the temple roof while they gazed,
they who remained behind the dear one still
in that meeting-place, the chosen thegns.
They saw the Lord ascend on high,
God’s Son from the ground.
Their minds were sorrowful,
hot at heart, mourning in spirit,
because they would no longer see
the dear one beneath the heavens. The celestial heralds
raised up a song, praised the Prince,
extolled the Source of life, rejoiced in the light
which shone from the Saviour’s head.
They saw two bright angels
beautifully gleaming with adornments around the First-begotten,
the glory of kings. Read More »


Racist Countryside

May 8, 2024

[T]HE famous Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge has issued a warning to viewers of this John Constable painting of Hampstead Heath.

“It has a “darker side” because it implies that ‘only those with a historical tie to the land have a right to belong [in Britain].’ This painting is from around 1820. I guess Constable should have included some Pakistanis.

“This ridiculous ‘warning’ is part of a ridiculous fashion of claiming that the British countryside ‘excludes’ non-whites.” (Source)

(Ridiculous? I would call it despicable and dangerous agitprop with the intention of dehumanizing an entire race of people.) Read More »


Ms. Police Chief

May 8, 2024

Anne Kirkpatrick

ANNE Kirkpatrick was sworn in last fall as as New Orleans police chief. She apparently is a skilled and industrious administrator with a long resume and a reputation as as “reformer.”

But whenever I see a woman in a police uniform, especially in the role of police chief, I see a person in costume. Nothing more. The 64-year-old Kirkpatrick in appearance, if you can disregard the uniform, reminds me of the older women who staff the annual herb sale nearby. (You can see her in action here and here.) Doesn’t New Orleans have some tough neighborhoods? If you were head of a criminal gang would she inspire fear? But then as a female mayor once put it, police departments are repulsive when they have a “toxic, macho culture.”

To me, a woman police chief is a case of social transgenderism and make-believe. Someday the world will be filled with enlightened people who think otherwise, who think it’s normal for women to command what is essentially a military operation in a crime-ridden city, but in the meantime, sick reactionaries like me exist.

A police officer, clearly of the “toxic, macho culture” type, once wrote to me:

Female sensibilities being applied to police work is the biggest reason that criminals are not scared of the police anymore. There should be a feeling among the criminal element that they might be physically hurt if they want to cross a certain line or if they want to fight a police officer. That feeling is largely absent now, due to misguided liberal policies and female sentimentality guiding policy.

That was back in 2010. Today, there are 300 women police chiefs and many thousands in the ranks.

Kirkpatrick was previously police chief of Oakland, California for some two-and-a-half years.

In addition to executive leadership experience, Kirkpatrick is a National Instructor for the FBI’s Law Enforcement Executive Association’s Leadership Training Program, where she instructs on topics including, but not limited to, Bias and Diversity, Emotional Intelligence and Leading Generations. (Source)

“Emotional Intelligence?” Not the kind of expertise you expect in a police chief. It’s the kind of expertise you expect in a government nanny. Read More »


Gaza War Fakery

May 7, 2024

HAVE both sides joined together to rebuild Gaza with American tax dollars?

“They’re going to make it a nice Mediterranean beach area,” says Fakenukes Phil, who has been documenting suspicious deaths and injuries in Gaza war. Video link. (This is not a blanket endorsement of Fakenukes.)

The incited campus protests have their own benefits, fueling Communist-style unrest and raising the specter of anti-semitism, which is ever-profitable for Jewish organizations.



Rogation Tuesday

May 7, 2024

Farmer in a Field, Vincent Van Gogh

FROM Dom Guéranger’s Liturgical Year:

Today, again, the great Litany, the Supplication, is heard in the House of the Lord: the solemn Procession re-appears in the streets of the city, and in the quiet lanes of the country. Let us take our share in this sacred rite; let us blend our voice with that of our Mother, and join the cry that pierces the clouds: Kyrie eleison! Lord have mercy on us! Let us think, for a moment, of the countless sins that are being committed, day and night; and let us sue for mercy. In the days of Noe, all flesh had corrupted its way; but men thought not of asking for mercy. The flood came, and destroyed them all, says our Savior. Had they prayed, had they begged God’s pardon, the hand of his justice would have been stayed, and the flood-gates of heaven would not have been opened. The day is to come, when, not water, as heretofore, but fire is suddenly to be enkindled by the Divine wrath, and is to burn the whole earth. It shall burn even the foundations of the mountains; it shall devour sinners, who will be resting then, as they were in the days of Noe, in a false security.

Persecuted by her enemies, decimated by the martyrdom of her children, afflicted by numerous apostasies from the faith, and deprived of every human aid, the Church will know that the terrible chastisement is at hand, for Prayer will then be as rare as Faith. Let us, therefore, pray; that thus the day of wrath may be put off, the Christian life regain something of its ancient vigor, and the end of the world not be in our times. Read More »