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The Case for Free Range Human Beings « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

The Case for Free Range Human Beings

April 16, 2020


THIS morning, I wrote to the manager of a network of local farmers markets in my area after he informed customers in a long, long letter that the markets would not be reopening for normal business until a vaccine for the coronavirus is available. It was unclear whether he intends to require proof of vaccination for future customers, but I would not be surprised if we reach that point, so deep, so thorough is the mass ignorance of what we are facing. In any event, he justified his decision by saying that “herd immunity” had not yet been achieved.

I offer this letter in the hopes that it will inspire you to speak out as much as possible against the totalitarian shutdowns of commercial activity. Unless you are at risk and have poor health, please act with your wallet and as much as possible boycott those businesses imposing draconian controls, even if you have to drive out of your way or spend a little more. You have some power as a consumer. Use it. Even if it does not change the world, use it. Ethical shopping is a civic duty.

I have not included a copy of his letter here. It read distinctly like a political manifesto and I could not help but think as I was reading it that it was influenced by powerful business people and politicians, not small farmers.

Dear Mr. P__,

Thank you for sharing your update on the farmers markets. I sincerely request that you share this response from one consumer with your vendors.

We enjoyed very much our experiences shopping at ____. We visited the market almost every week for about two years and spent an average of $100 at each visit. We often recommended the market to friends.

It was nice while it lasted. We will never shop there again because of your decision regarding the virus. We will miss the incredible goat cheese, the mushrooms, the raw milk, the arugula, the delicious meat, the outstanding fish, the doughnuts and many other outstanding products. We will miss the smiling, down-to-earth faces of the vendors.

You have revealed your political agenda and regardless of what you do in the future, we will offer no support to these businesses, except to travel possibly to their farms and purchase from them there. We already have a network of other small vendors in the area and we will continue to use them in the future.

Vaccines have inflicted a great deal of harm. With the H1N1 flu vaccine, to mention only one, more people ended up dying from the vaccine than from the flu. And that is a proven fact. You seem to be totally unaware of the mass grassroots movement against vaccination. I would be very surprised if many of the customers of healthy farm food don’t fall into this subculture. Whether they do or not is of no concern to me because I do fall into this subculture and do not support compulsory vaccination. Believe it or not, human beings do have natural immunities, especially if they have access to healthy farm food. Believe it or not, death occurs no matter what we do.

Regarding herd immunity, you are either uninformed or – please, forgive my bluntness — an outright liar. No reliable sample testing of the American population has been conducted yet so it cannot be known how many have been infected. Regardless, herd immunity is best attained by social interaction not isolation. Given that more than 98 percent of those infected survive the coronavirus (and those who don’t are overwhelmingly suffering from other health conditions), there is no cause for alarm. This was nothing more than a nasty flu bug, less severe than other recent flu viruses which killed tens of thousands of Americans with no fanfare or commercial shutdowns. We need fresh air, sunlight, good food and the healthy conditions of normal social interaction, which all build natural immunity. Ask your farmers, Mr. P__, just what is best for their animals. How ironic that you support free range chickens but not free range human beings. You are totally out of step with the small farmer ethic that once made America great.

The commercial shutdown is totalitarianism in action.

The virus, which again is no worse than other recent flu viruses, is being used as a scapegoat for the inevitable bursting of the financial bubble created by our usurious central banking system. If not for the virus, the financial collapse would be blamed on people at the top and expose this evil system for what it is.

May you enjoy good health. I cannot wish you success in your farm markets. I hope they experience a total collapse as a result of your decision.


Laura Wood



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