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George Floyd Had the Corona « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

George Floyd Had the Corona

June 4, 2020

JUST IN CASE you hadn’t sensed any obvious connection between a world-changing respiratory virus and a world-changing respiratory “murder,” the authorities have announced that, yes, George Floyd tested positive for Covid-19. He tested positive in April. The circumstances of his testing are not mentioned.

This should qualify Floyd as a Covid death (“I can’t breathe’), thus ramping up the highly inflated Covid death figures by one. But it is safe to assume this will remain a police statistic, not a Johns Hopkins Center for National Virus Hype statistic.

As a reader said, things have come full circle. A corona circle.

This is a two-fer-one mass event, stoking civil war and Coronaphobia. Doctors assure us that even though George was not symptomatic, he still had “positivity” for the virus at the time of his death, which would mean you would not want to have run into him at a grocery store.


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