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“Germs Don’t Cause Disease” « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

“Germs Don’t Cause Disease”

August 19, 2020

FROM Dr. Lorraine Day:

Orthodox Medical Doctors and Scientists, and their NON-doctor agents like tech-heads Bill Gates, Neil Ferguson, and others, are so uneducated and uninformed, they don’t even understand that Germs DON’T CAUSE disease!

Unfortunately, virtually all orthodox doctors suffer from the same lack of understanding!

Germs DON’T CAUSE Disease any more than Flies “Cause” Garbage.

If you see a dead animal in the road and a vulture is eating it, the dead animal attracted the vulture; the vulture did NOT attract the dead animal. The Vulture is part of the “clean-up crew.” It did NOT cause the death of the animal. It is cleaning up the dead and rotting tissue.

If you have a garbage strike in your city, and you have a load of garbage in your front yard – waiting for pick-up – all sorts of vermin will be attracted to the dead tissue in the pile of garbage. The rats, mice, flies, mosquitoes, and other insects are attracted to the dead tissue in the garbage pile.

They are the clean-up crew; they are there to clean up the mess. They did NOT CAUSE the mess – they are there to CLEAN UP the mess.

God has provided scavenger animals, birds and insects to clean up the dead animals and other decaying materials on the earth. If they weren’t here, everything that died would just remain on the earth, making it uninhabitable.


God designed the same mechanism for our body: a “clean-up crew” The same mechanism works in our body. Our skin is covered with bacteria and viruses. They are also in our nose, in our mouth, and in our intestinal tract. They don’t bother us at all – UNLESS – we don’t get enough sleep, or we eat too much fat or sugar, or we are stressed, or we don’t drink enough water, or we don’t get enough sunlight or exercise, or any combination of these things. These are the factors – our lifestyle factors – that cause disease – the breakdown of our body tissues and the death of our cells.

Read more here.

This is not a blanket endorsement of Dr. Day’s views on this or other matters.

— Comments —

Hurricane Betsy writes:

I’ve been waiting since March for at least one doctor to say these things.  I mean a Dr. who is publicly recognized as some sort of expert in infections.

Dr. Day states, “Unfortunately, virtually all orthodox doctors suffer from the same lack of understanding!”

Her statement is not exactly correct.  Today, even so-called nature doctors (naturopaths and other nonorthodox medical practitioners) are not much different from the “Germs cause disease” crowd.  They pay a wee bit of lip service to the wishy-washy “your weakened immune system makes you susceptible” but from what I can see, hear and read are themselves filled with fear of “germs”.

The truth about infections is not going to be accepted anytime soon by the general public or Drs. of any ilk.  At least it doesn’t look good.  That disease (weakened, sickly cells) invite “germs” to rectify the situation would require a 180-degree change in attitude and behavior, and the entire medical industry would collapse.

Oh, well.  The rest of us, let’s try and live right, trust in God, and get lots of sunshine.

Laura writes:

There’s no money in telling people to eat well, rest, gets lots of sunshine and outdoor air, and, most of all, love and trust in God.

Germ theory is profitable.


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