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Viganò Shills for Trump « The Thinking Housewife
The Thinking Housewife

Viganò Shills for Trump

October 31, 2020

The Daily Mail

It is you, dear President, who are ‘the one who opposes’ the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness,’ His Excellency wrote. ‘Place your trust in the Lord.’

— From a letter by “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò to President Trump

“Archbishop” Carlo Maria Viganò, widely celebrated for his role as a Vatican whistleblower, has written an urgent, pre-election letter to Donald Trump.

Since several readers have written to me about this letter, which has gotten enormous, worldwide publicity, I feel obliged to say a few things about it — though what I have to say will keep me, once again, from winning any popularity contests.

In the letter, Viganò explains the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” to Trump. The Great Reset, for those who are not familiar with it, is the WEF’s detailed plan, in the works for many years, for revolutionizing humanity under technocratic global governance in the wake of the “pandemic.” The “pandemic” is supposedly the occasion for the “Great Reset,” when really it is the much-awaited excuse.

The explanation of all this, truthful in many respects, by Viganò to Trump in itself is quite strange. I find it very odd. After all, Trump is president of the United States and has been dealing with these issues for months. The idea that he isn’t fully aware of what his friends in Davos are up to, given they have so persistently advertised it to the world, is really too fantastic to believe.

Trump and Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, in 2018

Viganò writes:

Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).

The letter presents Trump, as noted in the quote at the beginning of this entry, as a potential savior of humanity against the “Great Reset.”

For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, He who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44).

All this amounts to some very effective pre-election campaigning for Trump. I know nothing about the sincerity or state of awareness of Viganò himself regarding these political matters. Perhaps he is purely gullible, I don’t know. But the scenario he has presented to Trump in this letter is filled with misdirection.

After all, Trump has been one of the world’s biggest supporters of the “Great Reset” (the capitalist counterpart of Communist China’s devastatingly ruinous Great Leap Forward). He, perhaps more effectively than anyone else in the world, could have fought and defeated it. But he didn’t.

It was Trump who recently renewed the National Emergency Declaration, which keeps American businesses, institutions and governments under dictatorial rules.

It was Trump’s White House that paid out many billions — yes, billions — in federal aid to hospitals for Covid-19 diagnoses, a sum that amounted to $30 billion in bribes to hospitals to participate in this manufactured crisis, this  fraudulent creation of a pandemic for an illness that is comparable to the flu.

It is the Treasury Department under President Trump that has distributed $150 billion in bribes to state and local governments to induce them to keep the “Great Reset” going with endless draconian restrictions.

It is the Trump White House that has pressured states to implement mask mandates.

It is the Trump White House that has continually enforced the “Great Reset” in weekly directives to state governments.

It is Trump who has kept Anthony Fauci, a proven liar and con man who is a de facto employee of Bill Gates, at the head of our government. It is Donald Trump who would rather imprison people in their homes, destroy small businesses and cause starvation in the Third World than hurt Fauci’s feelings.

It is Trump who has deployed the military, which has absolutely no business overseeing medical care, to distribute vaccines.

It is Trump who has been one of the most vocal supporters of the vaccines, this key aspect of the Great Reset and its plan for digital surveillance and control of every human being on the planet, a plan for transhumanism that is so chilling and inhuman in its scope that many see apocalyptic events in it and yet is openly celebrated by Klaus Schwab’s global control freaks. What does Covid-19 stand for? Certificate of Vaccination Identification, 2019. That’s the goal. It ain’t remotely about human health.

Apologies to those who have had the wool pulled over their eyes and for whom this information is painful, but it is important to add that Viganò, despite his strongly-worded criticisms of “Pope” Francis and others in the subverted Vatican and his obvious and no-doubt sincere belief in many Catholic dogmas, is by no means a “Successor of the Apostles.” For those Catholics who don’t understand just how much they have been deceived, I recommend the readings in this entry.

I take no pleasure in delivering these disillusioning facts to Trump supporters, who believe Trump is an enemy of the deep state when he is a highly compromised figure, and to Catholics who believe, against all signs, that they have a friend in the false Vatican II Church and therefore they can continue their religious life as normal without having to engage in sordid withdrawal and unbending resistance to both the false shepherds of the New Church and those of “Traditionalism.” And by the way, you are not entitled to the ordinary externals of your religion. No, siree, Bob. Those are gratuitous gifts from God. You are entitled to the faith. You are entitled to love God and his Holy Church, which is the one true Church of Christ, with your entire heart, mind and soul. And regardless of what you do, it will never perish. The Mystical Body of Christ lives on, alive and well in the catacombs. I don’t freak out over the bizarre things coming from the lunatic and traitorous mouth of Francis. I don’t even flee anymore to schismatic chapels which have all the outward appearances. Why should I? I have the priceless, inexhaustible and undeserved treasures of the faith and the visible teachings and counsels of the true Church.

The “Great Reset” never could have been successfully launched under a Hillary presidency. Never, never, never. It needed the supposed enemy of “the deep state” in power to pacify Americans who possessed the common sense and will to resist it and who never would have passively stood by under Hillary while their churches were closed, their businesses destroyed, their families imprisoned and Easter, as well as millions of weddings and funerals, canceled.

And that’s exactly what the effect of this letter is — to pacify.

The Great Reset has only just begun.

It can’t go on without Don. Only he can keep its only potential enemies in check. If Biden is elected, patriots won’t falsely believe they have a friend in the White House and look the other way when he betrays America.

“We will never let radical socialists destroy our economy, wreck our country, or eradicate our liberty.  America will always be the proud, strong, and unyielding bastion of freedom,” Trump said in a speech to the World Economic Forum this past January.

Within months, our freedoms were decimated under his presidency. Was he merely misled by bad advisors? I find that hard to believe, but then it doesn’t matter. He is surrounded by bad actors. If he is that easy to control then he is not the potential savior Viganò sees.

There is no political solution, at least not in the presidency.

We can repent of our own sins and make reparation for the sins of others before God pours his wrath on this sinful nation with unimaginable destruction — and that repentance and fidelity is exactly what any faithful Catholic archbishop should advise, not supporting this character who constantly flashes Masonic hand sign code for the “deep state’s” secrecy and deception, loves his ridiculous prosperity preachers, was a good buddy of a pedophile trafficker for many years and probably has been blackmailed for that connection for years, remains unrepentant of his own sins and brags that he never asks God for forgiveness for anything.

Viganò is right one one point: Place your trust in the Lord.


— Comments —

Frank R. writes:

I am shilling for Vigano, because it is all about stopping the Democrats next week.   Regardless of how imperfect Trump is, Biden/Harris will destroy this country.   I have also been criticized for sending out the Vigano letter because he “bad mouths the pope.”  So be it.  If Francis is not an anti-pope, he is pretty close to being one.

Laura writes:

I understand, but I heard that tune in 2016. Look where it got us.

Sorry, but Trump isn’t just “imperfect.” He is the enemy, an idol to abused and misinformed cultists, many of whom sincerely love their country. It’s really like, you know, the girlfriend who likes her abusive boyfriend way too much.

Whatever happens next week, you’re going to have —  barring miraculous events — your Great Reset and a false pope.

I’m not trying to discourage you, and I’m certainly not campaigning for Biden, who is beneath notice, I’m just trying to prepare you for what’s in store.

Better to be prepared for reality than knocked to the ground by it.

Four years from now, the people who shilled for Trump in 2020, honestly believing the “lesser of two evils” argument, will be suffering from permanent political dementia. As I said to a Trump enthusiast in 2016, they will never trust their political judgement again. They will have political Alzheimer’s — and there’s no cure for that.

A Traditional Catholic from South Carolina writes:

 I am a big fan of your website. I am writing to ask you to clarify how you are voting.

You are rightly critical of Biden and Trump. However, given our choices, what do you suggest? Not voting? Voting third party? And if you will not reveal your voting decision, why not? Obviously democracy is a failure and both parties are corrupt. Yet the Magisterium has taught that “the lesser of two evils” is acceptable and sometimes necessary. Catholics have a civic duty to vote. Please correct me if I have misunderstood, but it seems like you are saying that all voting options are equally hopeless. Such a view seems Dispensationalist, not Catholic. Can you help those of us who want to learn about the right relationship between the Church and the State?

Laura writes:

Thanks for writing and for your question.

Perhaps you can point me to teachings of the Church that say it is an absolute duty to choose between two major candidates. Certainly, I am not guilty of indifference or a lack of civic activism.

I’d be quite the hypocrite if, after all these months of writing about the “pandemic,” I voted for the man who enforced it and plans to deploy the military to help shoot people up with unnecessary, toxic medications that will make billions for the pharmaceutical industry. (There are other issues with him too, and I’m not saying he has not accomplished anything good. Nor am I saying he isn’t “better” in some ways than his opponent.)

I don’t think I have any choice. And of course, I won’t be voting for Biden.

Biden’s candidacy is so absurd it’s an open admission that presidents are puppets. It does not express the popular will even if he wins. Trump haters on their own could have come up with someone much better than this.

I will be voting on the state and local level. Perhaps I’ll write somebody in for president.

And, as I said before, I would be hugely surprised if Trump doesn’t win — with lots of signs that he has “stole the election” to stir things up.

Laura adds:

As far as the “lesser of two evils” argument, I’m not convinced of it.

A Biden presidency would help resistance grow.

Trump is the lesser of two evils in one sense though. He’s the lesser of two evils for those who want to install global government — and already have installed it. Sure, they’ll put up with this anti-abortion, anti-multiculturalism nonsense if they have to just to get their man in.

He’s the lesser of two evils for evil-doers.

Laura writes:

One more thing: American elections have involved idolatry for a long time now, with people worshipping their candidates as if they were gods or saviors while all the time acknowledging that, “well, they’re not perfect.”

It’s a nauseating spectacle.

Catholics are forbidden to worship false gods and participate in messianic sects.

Traditionalist responds:

Thank you so much for your insights. They are challenging me to think. It seems like you think Biden is the better option. So shouldn’t you support him as the better option?

What presidents of the past century could/would you have voted for? It seems that globalism has been involved in the elections since at least World War I, which probably means that most if not all of the major candidates were as compromised as Biden and Trump.

And you mentioned that you will vote in state elections. But aren’t state-level politicians also a part of the globalist political agenda (albeit at a smaller magnitude)?

Laura writes:

No, I’m not saying Biden is the better option. I’m saying if he were elected, there could be the good outcome of forcing many people to be less passive.

I’d have to think about presidents of the past, many of whom I don’t fully agree with but I could vote for with a clear conscience. Most candidates, for example, did not support the normalization of homosexuality in other countries the way Biden and Trump do. Don’t you think that’s in a different category from errors of the past? Trump’s administration, as you probably know, has berated and threatened officials in other countries for not being open to homosexuality.

Was there any candidate of the past who made it a central promise of his first campaign that his administration would prosecute the other candidate for crimes committed while she was Secretary of State, then just dropped it entirely? Was there one who promised over and over to “drain the swamp” and then filled it with people who have highly questionable loyalty to this country? Was there ever a president who knew a heinous crime in which 3,000 people were killed (and tens of thousands killed in the subsequent war) had been committed (9/11) and the perpetrators were never brought to justice, but did absolutely nothing about it? I believe there has been no candidate who has imposed as much debt on the country as Trump has.

There were no candidates of the past who had already launched a health dictatorship and none were more enthusiastic for Talmudic goals as Donald Trump. He seems to have greater loyalty at times to the interests of a foreign nation than America though he is not alone in that. No candidates of the past that I can think of made it a central promise of his first campaign to end mass immigration and to deport illegal immigrants in large numbers, but then didn’t do it and went on to say as president that this country must welcome more (legal) immigrants than ever. No presidential candidate of the past that I know of was good friends with a man known to have run an international, pedophilia blackmailing operation.

On foreign policy, Biden and Trump are one and the same — except Trump actually promised to bring the troops home, but didn’t.

There are definitely some state candidates who have genuinely resisted recent developments, so, no, they are not as complicit in recent developments.

Politics is an ugly business. But I don’t think I am being too idealistic or alarmist by refusing to vote for either of these characters. There are ZERO candidates of the past who were involved in anything as suspicious and alarming as the coronavirus vaccination program. I’m not giving it my vote, period. I want to be able to say I was not in any way involved.

Laura adds:

Here’s some relevant comments from Chuck Baldwin, who is also voting on the state and local level, but not for president:

Therefore, the survival of our constitutional republic depends not upon who is president but upon people voting for principled, courageous and honest civil magistrates at the State, county and local levels, so that they might provide lawful checks and balances against federal usurpation of power.

For example, if the State of Oregon and city of Portland want to let thugs and rioters burn the city to the ground, let them do it. But thugs will find a much different outcome in Flathead County, Montana. I can promise you that. The point is, neither place needs Washington, D.C., telling them what to do or helping them fix their problems.

But over the last half-century at least, the power elite have manipulated the minds of the American people into focusing almost exclusively on the office of president. All of the rest of the elected offices in this country are little more than afterthoughts. This has allowed the same power elite to use their vast resources to defeat truly good candidates during the State and local primary elections with their pathetically low voter turnouts.

Terry Morris writes:

Excellent entry. I agree with everything you have said thus far.

To those who have and express doubts about your decision to not participate in the upcoming, I would also point out that unless you, or anyone else for that matter, live in a legitimate swing county in a legitimate swing state (yes, I do realize Pennsylvania is a swing State), your vote literally counts for nothing. And that is assuming that vote counts really determine election outcomes, which I’m not at all inclined to believe for reasons I’m not prepared to divulge in this particular comment.

But to get back to the point, let’s take Philadelphia County as an example. I just googled the 2016 election results for the county (see here). and what they reveal is that the county went Democrat (Hillary) in ’16 by a margin of 82:15. I don’t know whether or not you live in Philadelphia County, but let us say you do for argument’s sake. What would be the point of your casting a vote for either candidate in that county given those numbers? Obviously your vote is not going to change anything, and the only way it would ever count for anything at all is that it would add one solitary vote to the national vote count for Trump or Biden.

I’m in the same situation, only in the reverse; my county went Trump in 2016 by very near the same margin. I already knew that was going to happen before the election in 2016, which is part of the reason (not all of it) that I abstained. I know it will happen again this election, so there would be no point to my adding one more vote to the tally for Trump or Biden, regardless of who I think the “better” candidate.

Laura writes:

Thank you.

I don’t live in Philadelphia County, but Hillary got about 60 percent of the vote here in 2016.


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